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Recent Health Trends That Impact Emergency Medicine

Physicians, nurses and first responders practicing emergency medicine are tasked with diagnosing, stabilizing and managing the healthcare needs of the more than 120 million individuals who visit U.S. emergency departments every year.

Although emergency physicians must be prepared to handle a wide spectrum of emergency medical issues and complications, familiarizing yourself with the recent trends in emergency medicine and pediatric emergency medicine can add an extra level of preparedness to an emergency situation.

More Individuals Utilizing Emergency Medicine

A growing number of uninsured Americans turn to emergency departments because of the limited access they have to other primary medical care resources. This increased use of emergency medicine means there’s an increased demand for individuals schooled and certified to provide medical care in an emergency situation.

Aging Baby Boomer Population

In 2006, the oldest baby boomers turned 60 and by 2030, 71.5 million people will be at least 65 years old. The increasing number of senior citizens with longer life expectancies means emergency medicine practitioners will need to be prepared to handle illnesses and injuries seen in the elderly. From complications during cold and flu season, to more broken and fractured bones, to educating patients about prescription drugs, emergency medicine is morphing.

Medical Advancements in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Advances in science and technology have allowed pediatric emergency medicine physicians and nurses to better assist infants should complications arise during pregnancy, labor and/or delivery. These advancements, along with improvements in nutrition and prenatal education, have led to an overall decrease in infant mortality rates. Changes in pediatric emergency medicine underscore the importance of earning pediatric advanced life support certification and basic life support certification in order to provide effective pediatric care.

Health Ed Solutions can be a valuable partner in preparing for a career in emergency medicine. Flexible online certification courses are available for ACLS, BLS and PALS, as well as training in AED usage, CPR and acute stroke. Certification is an important part of any medical career and should be revisited and updated as necessary or required.

