Our online ACLS renewal training is comprehensive, with both study material and a web-based exam included. This makes it easy for you to recertify on your own time. ACLS recertification is a standard requirement for those working in health-related fields as well as many other career paths, and you’ll need to achieve ACLS renewal every couple of years. Now you can complete this task from the comfort of your home with our convenient, 100% online ACLS recertification course.
While many online ACLS courses are created by freelancers with no firsthand knowledge of the material, our ACLS renewal course was created, reviewed, and approved by certified medical experts. This means that our ACLS renewal course is of the highest possible quality, covering the same comprehensive range of topics as AHA approved classroom based courses. The only difference is that we don’t require you to travel to a location at a specific time to study or test, and there is no required in-person skills test.
How much of your ACLS knowledge have you retained since your original certification or last recertification? Our 100% online ACLS study guide will swiftly refresh your memory, and the unlimited, unique practice exams will fully prepare you to confidently take the ACLS renewal exam. No time limits are in place, meaning you don’t have to be anxious about a clock ticking while you study and take the test.
Don’t stress out over failing a final exam in an unfamiliar format. You can print the final test and take it at your convenience by writing answers in by hand, then simply input them into the online system 24/7. Have you been certified and recertified regularly for years? This will be a breeze - you could conceivably complete the exam in less than 1 hour, like many of our students do!
Your free, hard copy ACLS certification card will go in the mail soon after you pass the exam, but you won’t have to wait for proof. We also provide an instant, printable digital certification card via email, ensuring that you have access to the fastest way to obtain your ACLS recertification. You can literally take the test and receive your immediate proof of certification any time of the day or night, any day of the week – which is great if you have a prospective employer on the line.